When is worship?
Sundays at 9:30 am. Worship lasts approximately one hour!
What should I wear to church?
Calvary is a laid-back community that does not have a dress code or any requirements. Whether you are comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt or a suit and tie, you'll feel right at home.
Are my kids welcome to attend church?
We welcome people of all ages. We know that kids can get squirmy and loud, but we don't discourage their attendance or participation in worship.
Can I bring my coffee or a snack for my kids?
You are welcome to bring your morning coffee, water, and juice. We're just excited to have you worship with us! We get hungry too, and we also need to have our morning coffee, in fact, we serve coffee on Sunday mornings! Bring a mug (or use one of our disposables) and fill up!
Can I arrive late?
Most of our members come right at 9:30 am or after, so you're welcome to come whenever you are able. If it's your first time, it might be helpful to come a little early to help answer any questions you might have and help you get comfortable, but you're welcome to come whenever you're able.
What type of worship should I expect?
Our worship is laid back, but reflects traditional liturgical Lutheran worship. We use the Evangelical Lutheran Worship Hymnal, which includes a mix of traditional hymns and newer songs. Our liturgy is spoken and sung, depending on the time of year. We try to keep worship interesting, engaging, and authentic to who we are at Calvary.
Still have questions?
Feel free to call us at 610-929-9606 or email us at contactcalvary@verizon.net; we'd love to hear from you!

Every Sunday, 9:30 AM